AMC Ebooks Package


AMC Ebooks Package


AMC Ebooks Package contains all available Ebooks on our website.

Total cost of 21 Books is $ 640.00. You Save $ 315.00 (50% Discount), when you buy all Ebooks together and pay only $ 325.00. Isn’t it a best available deal?!!

Package includes following Ebooks and all are latest editions as recommended by Australian Medical Council.

  1. AMC Handbook of Multiple choice questions.
  2. AMC Handbook of clinical Assessment.
  3. AMC Anthology of Medical Conditions.
  4. John Murtagh’s General Practice-6th Edition.
  5. John Murtagh Practice Tips-6th Edition.
  6. Murtagh Patients Education-6th Edition
  7. Medical Law, Ethics & Bioethics for Health Professions – 7th Edition
  8. Principles of Pathophysiology.
  9. Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – 8E
  10. Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Llewellyn-Jones)
  11. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers – 19E
  12. Obstetrics by Ten Teachers-19E
  13. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 4th Edition.
  14. Nelson Essential of Pediatrics.
  15. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 19E
  16. Oxford Textbook of Medicine 4E
  17. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine-21E
  18. Oxford Textbook of Surgery – 2nd Edition.
  19. Tjandra Textbook of Surgery 3E
  20. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition_ DSM-5-(2013).
  21. Shorter textbook of Psychiatry – 6th Edition.

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AMC Ebooks Package contains all available Ebooks on our website.

Total cost of 21 Books is $ 640.00. You Save $ 315.00 (50% Discount), when you buy all Ebooks together and pay only $ 325.00. Isn’t it a best available deal?!!

Package includes following Ebooks and all are latest editions as recommended by Australian Medical Council.

  1. AMC Handbook of Multiple choice questions.
  2. AMC Handbook of clinical Assessment.
  3. AMC Anthology of Medical Conditions.
  4. John Murtagh’s General Practice-7th Edition.
  5. John Murtagh Practice Tips-6th Edition.
  6. Murtagh Patients Education-6th Edition
  7. Medical Law, Ethics & Bioethics for Health Professions – 7th Edition
  8. Principles of Pathophysiology.
  9. Dewhurst’s Textbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology – 8E
  10. Fundamentals of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Llewellyn-Jones)
  11. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers – 19E
  12. Obstetrics by Ten Teachers-19E
  13. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics, 4th Edition.
  14. Nelson Essential of Pediatrics.
  15. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine 19E
  16. Oxford Textbook of Medicine 4E
  17. Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine-21E
  18. Oxford Textbook of Surgery – 2nd Edition.
  19. Tjandra Textbook of Surgery 3E
  20. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition_ DSM-5-(2013).
  21. Shorter textbook of Psychiatry – 6th Edition.


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